Drink Joyride

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5 Advantages of Having GREAT Coffee In The Workplace

There’s no denying coffee is a staple in the workplace! Millions of Americans start their workday off with a nice cup of Joe, and there’s no question why. 

Coffee is an affordable, delicious, and energy-boosting way to start the day and keep employees energized and productive. A survey showed that 89% of workplaces agree that coffee makes work happier and more productive. 

With that in mind, we think it’s a no-brainer that every workplace should be investing in awesome, high-quality coffees for their employees. Not all coffee is created equally! Having GREAT coffee is better than having middle-of-the-road stuff, and here are a couple of reasons why:

1. More energy = more efficiency!

Ever compared a gas station cup of Joe to an authentic brew from the mountains? The difference is astonishing! 

High-quality coffee can make an impressive difference in the efficiency at which your employees work! A charged caffeine boost allows your workers to start their workday off strong and help boost their productivity! 

This improved sense of energy can help your employees stay energized and focused on their tasks without having to step away from their desks. This way, more company time is saved without compromising worker performance. Now that’s how you get $h!t done!

2. Your team feels appreciated!

What better way to say THANK YOU than with a cup of the good stuff?

While great coffee and food help your employees focus, it also shows them that you appreciate their well-being…and hard work! 

Otherwise, your team will probably just be making Dunkin’ runs on their lunch breaks. Boo 👎

Opting for GREAT coffee demonstrates that you as an employer are investing in them. Great coffee not only saves your employees their own money and time but says a lot about you as a company and how much you value your staff!

3. Encourages teamwork & collaboration

What better way to bond than over a cup of Joe?

Have you ever seen employees run to the office kitchen when the gourmet lunch rolls in? High-quality food and drinks don’t just make your employees happy, they give them a reason to connect with each other!

A great cup of coffee makes it easier and more fluid for your employees to communicate on key workplace issues and projects. So who’s to say great coffee can’t promote collaboration? 

Coworkers that may not usually have the opportunity to interact can get to know their colleagues across different departments and foster more efficiency across projects and other work tasks.

Great coffee can help your staff communicate more and create a sense of community!

4. High-quality coffee = a health boost for the day!

News flash: work is stressful. And stress is not so great for health in the long term! So the way your employees eat and drink at work over their lifetime makes an important difference.

By offering great coffee in your office, you mitigate the chances that your employees will opt for an unhealthy or low-quality drink alternative. 

What’s the saying? A cup of GREAT coffee per day keeps the doctor away! 😉 Want to learn more about the other health benefits your brew can offer you? Check out our recent blog

5. It’s a reason to smile!

We can brainstorm all the ways coffee boosts productivity or promotes team bonding, but at the end of the day, people drink coffee because it makes them feel good. 

Okay coffee can get you going where you need to go, but good coffee…. Good coffee can feel like pure joy. That’s what every workplace needs a little more of. 

At Joyride, we firmly believe workplaces deserve high-quality, healthy, delicious coffee that caters to the needs of every employee AND is good for the environment. 

That’s the magic of good coffee: it tastes good, makes you feel good, and does good for the world around you (like our coffee does 😉). That’s reason enough to get GREAT coffee!

So what are you waiting for? Your current coffee might be good, but is it great? Get acquainted with some of the best stuff on the market, and take a ride with us!

Joyride aims to deliver sustainable, healthy, cafe-quality coffee and craft beverages to offices across the United States. Check out our awesome selection of coffee products here

Looking to bring some Joy to your workplace? Contact us and learn more about our office coffee program!