Joyride Pup of The Month
Check out February 2019's Joyride Pup of the Month
Meet Charlie, the very best friend of Joyride’s Chief Strategic Partnership Officer, Paul Toscano. Charlie may be small, but has a personality as big as Paul is tall (6’8’’). Charlie found time this past week to let me interview her and her companion Hedgewick. Check out the interview below!
EC: What do you do in your K9 role at Joyride?
A pic of me riding my dragon on vacation!
C: My role is Khaleesi, because my Dad is obsessed with Game of Thrones. He has fun with it, but it can be so embarrassing, like when he asked me to be his direwolf for his Night’s Watch costume. I’m 11 pounds, and wouldn’t make a very convincing direwolf. I’m more of a Downton Abbey girl myself. Before I was Khaleesi, my job title was “Assistant To The Regional Manager” when my Dad was regional manager of the San Francisco branch. That felt a little more normal.
EC: I personally love the title change! What’s your favorite activity?
C: Licking faces. I can’t help it. Sometimes I just forget where I am, who else is around or my manners in general… if there’s a face to lick, I want to be there. I also enjoy eating and barking at other dogs when they come up on the moving picture box (Tee-vee?) in the living room. I’m also a HUGE fan of hot laundry right out of the dryer.
EC: What’s your favorite human food snack?
C: I’m absolutely obsessed with berries. Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries… oh my gosh I could go on. Blueberries have to be my favorite - I always like to play with them before I eat them, they roll so perfectly on the floor! Don’t get me wrong though, I’m a sucker for the finer things as well - Jamon, filet mignon, prosciutto. Those are more for special occasions, like when mom or dad drop them on the floor or give me a taste from the table!
EC: Wow you have quite the palette…which Joyride core value do you relate to most and why?
C: I’m definitely an “EnJoy The Ride” kind of girl - have you seen my blue goggles picture?! I’m always up for an adventure - whether it’s a walk along the beach or a hike through the redwoods - I’m always looking to make the most out of my experiences and not take myself too seriously! Since I get the opportunity to come into the office and see my friends (Hi Teddy, Luna, Eli and other Charlie!) I can see how we bring joy to our parents and remind them to EnJoy the Ride!
EC: I LOVE the goggles, very fashion forward. So what’s your favorite Joyride beverage?
C: Dad says I’m not allowed to drink cold brew coffee. I guess that makes sense since I’m only three years old and I’m a dog - caffeine isn’t good for me!! All that being said, it’s sustainable seltzer for me, all day long!!! (Disclaimer: despite past or future interviews, we do not actually give our dogs coffee).
EC: If you could bring one toy on a walk which one would it be?
C: My favorite toy is named Hedgewick. He’s a hedgehog and right now I’m on Hedgewick version 3 - he keeps getting reincarnated and I just can’t figure out what’s going on! Perhaps that’s the intrigue. He’s not great on walks, though, since he’s so big, so I’d have to take my favorite tennis ball, which I love chasing after at the park.
EC: I wouldn’t overthink the reincarnation thing if I were you. And finally, what is a fun fact about yourself?
C: Some people may not believe this when I tell them I’m part Siberian Husky. I didn’t believe it when I saw it either - but when my parents had my DNA analyzed, I came back 10-20% Siberian Husky! I always thought I was a Jack Russell/Chihuahua (I look the part, right?!) but perhaps that’s where I get my toughness, ingenuity and love of the winter! I’m also part Schnauzer, Pug and Yorkshire Terrier, according to the DNA results, which is interesting in its own way!
We couldn’t decide on one photo because they’re all winners!
Written by Paul Toscano, Partner