Our Partners: Blue Bottle

Founded by a disaffected clarinetist and coffee lunatic, Blue Bottle coffee began as a reaction to the development of the Mocha-Pumpkin-latte coffee culture.

Brewing simple cups, from brilliant beans, he began roasting his own coffees on a six-pound roaster in a shed behind a restaurant.

Since then, Blue Bottle has grown into a network of cafes with an equal dedication to quality, brewing and sourcing. Looking for Blue Bottle coffee locations? There are roasters on both in Oakland, California and Williamsburg, Brooklyn, not to mention Blue Bottle's ever-expanding cafe presence in the US and abroad. Now, it's available to make some really superb office coffee both in New York and in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Joyride offerings from Blue Bottle include freshly roasted coffee and cold brew cans for offices as well as brewing equipment, service and maintenance.